Omo valley tour operator

Terms and Conditions

Omo valley tour operator , terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions:

Booking and payment terms and conditions for Omo Valley Tours.
Every tour organized by Omo Valley Tours, “the service provider,” for you, “the customer,” is subject to the terms and conditions outlined on this page. Transportation, meals, admission fees, lodging, or other facilities or services must be provided as part of a Omo Valley tour package in accordance with the itinerary that the service provider creates before accepting a booking.
Deposits after tour confirmation
Any tour must be reserved with a 30% deposit, and the remaining balance is due 45 days before the customer’s departure on the tour.
70% of the total payment must be made at the time of booking if there are less than 45 days until the commencement of the tour.
Terms of Cancellation:
Cancellation fees will apply if the reservation is canceled. The following rate will be applied to the charge: If you cancel more than 45 days before your arrival, you will receive a full refund. 75 percent of the total tour price will be refunded 45-30 days before arrival; 50% of the total tour price refunded 30-15 days before arrival, and 25% refunded less than 15 days before arrival.
Travel and Tour Arrangements:
The service provider is responsible for making all travel and tour arrangements, including arranging flights, lodging, reservations for vehicles, etc. Unless otherwise specified, all agreements are subject to any applicable third-party supplier’s booking terms and cancellation policies.
Route changes or lodging substitutions:
The service provider goes to great lengths to guarantee that itineraries are adhered to precisely. Unexpected events, such as natural catastrophes, security issues, temporary limits imposed by local authorities, etc., may call for changes, and the service provider disclaims all responsibility for any resulting changes to the routes or replacement of properties. When substituting properties, they will do so according to the same criteria.
The Service Provider is not responsible for any harm, damages, or costs incurred by the customer as a result of illness, quarantine, weather conditions, or any other unforeseen event. When these losses are sufficiently demonstrated to be the product of the service provider’s purposeful misconduct or extreme neglect, the service provider makes compensation to the client.
If you need any further information about our terms and conditions,
If you had any doubts about your trip itinerary to Ethiopia before making the reservation, please let us know so that we can consider all of your options. Please get in touch with us at omovalleytourethiopia(at)gmail(dot)com.

You can also refer to our parent company terms and conditions page from this link. 

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Brand Name
Omo Valley Tours
Product Name
Terms and Conditions - Omo Valley Tour Operator
USD 785
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